Why You Should Use a Realtor to Purchase

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If you’re looking for your next home, don’t go at it alone! You should have a realtor on your side from the start, even if you’re in the very beginning stages of looking.👀 Realtors can set up a search online so only homes that meet your criteria go directly to your inbox. And, these homes are available for purchase! No more finding a home you love just for it to be under contract already.📝 Plus, realtors have access to homes that aren’t even on the market yet. They can start talking to other agents in their company & network and possibly get you in to see a home before it’s even on the market.🔑 Aside from the searching aspect of it, your realtor should also be your go source for information, as well as help educate you on the buying process. Even if you've bought a home (or two) before, there's a lot of steps that go in to buying a house and it's always a good idea to start with a consultation. This is where your realtor will go over the steps involved in finding a lender, searching for a house, and everything that happens from contract to close. The consultation is a great tool to help the buyer feel more comfortable and confident in the process. It's also a great time to interview the agent. This meeting will give you a good idea of how the agent operates, how knowledgeable the agent is, and if they are a good fit for you and your family.