If you're thinking about buying new construction, make sure you have your realtor with you from the start! Even if you're just stopping by a new construction site to see what it's all about, you need to have your realtor with you and here's why:
There’s a number of ways working with your own realtor will help put you in a better position for purchasing new construction. The market for new construction is good right now and that means there are a lot of builders who want in on the action. Realtors have probably worked with most of them and can help you find you a reputable builder. If you haven’t seen a new construction contract before, they’re lengthy. As your realtor, we are reading over the contract in its entirety to make sure we understand it and that you understand it. Your realtor is also there to negotiate for you. That's right! You can negotiate on new construction. Having worked with new construction in the past, they are aware of how to negotiate price. You don’t always have to pay sticker price. Plus, your realtor knows what upgrades are smart/necessary to do at the time of build versus what upgrades you will save money to have done after move in. And finally, you don’t pay to have a realtor represent you, the builder does. So why not take advantage and make sure you have your own realtor looking out for your best interest? I assure you, the builder’s agent is looking out for the builder’s best interest.
So then why is it important to have your agent with you from the very first meeting, even if you're just "dropping in"? Builders don't want to pay for a realtor if they don't have to and they often times won't allow you to have outside representation if the agent isn't at the very first sit down. So talk with your agent and let them know you'd like to explore new construction. You'll be glad you did!